We’re all about good, clean fun. Since 2010, we’ve been putting great times into bath times with our award-winning haircare, bath & body care for kids.
There’s no mess and no stress, just bubbly smiles from affordable products that are easy on young, sensitive skin. Everything we do is also vegan, cruelty-free and free from gluten, soy and dairy – and there’s no artificial nasties. Just brilliantly easy, naturally derived loveliness with a cast of adorable animal friends! So, whether you’re washing your little ones with Washy Wanda the Whale and Cleany Claud the Crab. Rinsing and repeating with Shiny Sam the Dolphin and Sheila the Seal. Styling locks with Curly Carly the Seahorse, Teaser Teresa the Octopus and Snazzy Sebastian the Starfish. Or enjoying a soak with Bubbly Bertie the Turtle, Inky India the Squid and Fizzy Phil the Pufferfish – we’ve made scrubbing, soaking and grooming more fun for everyone! So parents and little ones are free to share the joy of sploshing, splashing and making more sud-soaked memories.